Friday, December 16, 2011

Reindeer in Pajamas

Have you ever seen reindeer in pajamas?

My team and I at school decided that we were all going to be the reindeer today for our last day before the holiday break. There are 9 of us on the first grade team so it worked out great! We bought antlers and made name tags with all of the reindeer names on them. We included Rudolph since their are 9 of us.

Today was also pajama day for first grade so we were reindeer in pajamas. We all looked very cute and the students really loved it.

The students loved wearing their pajamas and we they also made their own antlers. Their antlers were made by them tracing their hands on brown paper and then cutting them out. I measured their heads with a sentence strip and then wrote their names on it. They glued their hands to the sentence strip and then had an antler hat. Most of them decorated them with markers as well.

It was a great day, but I am glad it is over. Now I have a 2 week break to relax and SLEEP!

Here is a picture of me from today:
Here is a picture of my whole team:

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